Do you speak English? Then how well do you speak it?

speaking english

Learning to Speak English Fluently

How well is well enough? Do you find yourself struggling to communicate your ideas, take part in discussions, or keep an audience engaged?

Do you struggle with the pronunciation of English words? Putting an ‘h’ sound in words like ‘hour’, ‘honest’, or omitting it in places like ‘have’, and ‘house’?

No matter your profession, social or economic status, you owe it to yourself to be able to communicate effectively.

Learning to speak English fluently helps you in the following ways:

  • It increases your self-confidence.
  • Improves your social and professional image.
  • Makes you sound educated.
  • Enables your audience to focus on your message.

Imagine if Martin Luther King Jr. could not express himself properly; if he had not paid attention to the rhythm of the English language. His popular speech – which was delivered during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, would have just been a bland recital, incapable of rousing anyone to action.

Effective communication is an art that needs to be learned and practised, and that is where we come in, because of our:

Experience: We have been in this business for over two decades, and have trained a wide diversity of individuals, from civil servants to beauty queens, corporate executives, to politicians, to radio and television hosts, teachers, primary and secondary school students.

Methodology: We carefully tailor our programmes to address our clients’ needs. Some of which they may not even be aware of. Each client gets a personalised treatment so that there is maximum utilization of the teacher-student relationship. Our methodology guarantees us a higher success rate, no matter your initial challenges.

Results of Speaking English Fluently

Just like broadcast journalist, Peter Okwoche of  BBC World TV says

“I can’t overstress the importance of speaking English correctly. For over 20 years, I have been in the broadcast industry, and the one enduring thing I have learned is that to excel in this profession, your spoken word must be impeccable.

Nearly halfway through my journey, I was sent on a month’s course at spi:k rait saund rait . It changed my career. I always thought I spoke good enough English, but with help from Mr Sidney Ufeli and his staff, I moved to a completely different level. I recommend spi:k rait saund rait not only to broadcasters but politicians, teachers, students, anyone. EVERYONE!”

It’s not enough to just be fluent in the use of the English language. Your carriage and manners should complement the way you speak. And that’s why we also have programs that centre on etiquette and social interactions.

We invite you to browse our courses today and if you feel you haven’t found the right course for you, we also offer bespoke spoken english courses tailored to meet your needs.

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